Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tsevie Prison gift bags

A number of us (adult crewmembers) have been going to Tsevie, a suburb of Lome, to visit the prison there twice a month. Last Saturday was our last visit. However, the ship shop onboard the ship has been overwhelmed with supplies from Texas, and requested permission to donate some of the soaps and toothpaste to the inmates we have been visiting. As a result we sewed a couple of hundred bags, coupled with a donation of bags someone sent the ship, and Bill Foley stuffed 254 of the bags with 2 items each and a Bible verse for the inmates. We are so pleased to be able to give them this parting gift. We also obtained about 25 French Bibles and some devotional books for the pastor who is imprisoned there to use to lead Bible studies. God’s provision is wonderful!

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5 years already...

One evening a few weeks ago our students led our community meeting with worship, testimonies and words of encouragement. In the middle of that Donovan and Mae Palmer recognized Nikki Aldum (principal) and myself for having given over five years of service to Mercy Ships.

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Brian onboard

It has been fun to have Brian Blackburn back onboard with us for a time. He joined our “Walk to Guinea” team, adding his miles to ours for the fun of it. Brian is our Administrator and works in Texas at the IOC. He often visits colleges and promotes us, drawing in new teacher candidates.

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End of Year Activities

As we finish out the outreach and close out the school year, we have had several delightful presentations. Among those are the Arts Festival and the Karate demonstrations by our students.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cultural pauses on retreat

Among other things, we invited Akuna Matata and his crew to come teach the kids how to make a drum. They also did the traditional coming-of-age dance, and got our kids to join in. One day we also visited the slave house (in photos) and crawled into the under-the-floor space where the slaves were forced to stay until they were shipped out. We stopped at a roadside fruit stand to get some mangoes.

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Retreat refreshment

There were several ways to get refreshment on the hot days on retreat. One could always grab the local bagged water, or one could ask the local boy to shinny up the coconut tree and get some fresh juice to drink!

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Lake Togo retreat activities

We focused on cultural activities. There were 2 different boat trips, including one to see early morning fishing activities.

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Grade 6-11 Retreat

We took grades 6 through 11 on a 3-day retreat to a lovely resort on Lake Togo. We played lots of games and had great devos with Henry Gwani.

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