Sunday, August 30, 2015

Piano Concert

While we are sailing, various events are planned for the evenings and weekends to entertain the crew. One such evening talented pianists put on a concert for the crew. Two of our Academy students performed as well!


Arrival in Madagascar!

At last our ship has arrived! Everyone is very excited, and eager to go ashore!

Worship on the bow

While the Africa Mercy was delayed outside of Durban, we had a Sunday afternoon worship on the bow. It was delightful, and was the only time the bow was open, as during the rest of the trip we had waves splashing above deck 8!


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Open Cabins

One of our holiday traditions is hospitality. We open our cabins in the evening and serve refreshments. Crew members make the tour of cabins and visit and snack. Our single cabins started a tradition at Christmas of offering a "block party" so that anyone visiting our deck 4 wing would get to visit a number of cabins. It is very popular! These are a few of my visitors.

In the first photo you see most of the Davies' family and our lady crew doctor. In the second photo are three friends, and in the third is our Captain and his wife, and two other dear friends of mine. Sadly, the captain, who has been with us for around 28 years, is leaving Mercy Ships at the end of this outreach, and returning to Wales.

Easter on the Africa Mercy

Easter is a wonderful time on the ship. We have a large room separated out into the stations of the cross, with soft lighting and music, where one can contemplate what Christ has done for us. There is also a communion table there. Then we can go out on the deck (7) to wash a friend's feet, before going to meditate in a "Garden of Gethsemane" in our International Lounge. All that takes place on Thursday, the day of our Lord's last supper and arrest.

On Friday morning we go into the International Lounge again, and the cross is draped with a red cloth, as you see here, and we have a deeply touching service reflecting on Jesus' passion as he went to the cross.

Easter morning we have a sunrise service worshiping the risen Lord on deck 8, followed by pastry snacks, then an Easter service at 8:30 a.m. in the International Lounge, followed by a beautiful brunch, as you see here. It is a time of celebration and fellowship!

Dockside View in Toamasina Port, Madagascar

The lovely photos of fish and canoe are from Catrice. This is an attractive commercial port. I have never had such a view of the fishermen, the beach, and the town from the ship. It is also my first time seeing children herd cattle and geese down the beach!