Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter on the Africa Mercy

Easter is a wonderful time on the ship. We have a large room separated out into the stations of the cross, with soft lighting and music, where one can contemplate what Christ has done for us. There is also a communion table there. Then we can go out on the deck (7) to wash a friend's feet, before going to meditate in a "Garden of Gethsemane" in our International Lounge. All that takes place on Thursday, the day of our Lord's last supper and arrest.

On Friday morning we go into the International Lounge again, and the cross is draped with a red cloth, as you see here, and we have a deeply touching service reflecting on Jesus' passion as he went to the cross.

Easter morning we have a sunrise service worshiping the risen Lord on deck 8, followed by pastry snacks, then an Easter service at 8:30 a.m. in the International Lounge, followed by a beautiful brunch, as you see here. It is a time of celebration and fellowship!

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