Does God answer prayer?
You bet He does!
Two nights ago I ate some dressing that was a bit off in taste, and a couple of hours later had the telltale signs of stomach pain and nausea of possible food poisoning. I asked my roommate to pray for me. She did, and I immediately felt much better. I slept well, and in the morning was able to return to the classroom freely, without even a hint of discomfort.
When the ship was in Benin, a bunch of us visited the prison each week. There was a section for youths, boys under 18. A group went to them faithfully, teaching, discipling, encouraging. They distributed some 50 or more Bibles among them. Sometimes when I was done with the ladies, my group would go join them. A number of the boys asked for prayer, and we wrote down their names and began praying for them. We prayed that others would continue to visit them. We prayed that someone would mentor them. Prison Fellowship goes in and gives them some schooling and helps them make flip flops from plastic, so they have a trade and are not so bored. Well, we left, still praying.
Then a friend went back there this year and reported to us that 10 of the boys, who had no hope of leaving the prison, had been released. We were so thrilled at that answer to prayer.
It gets better yet. The other day a team of our people came back from Benin. They had been there for a few weeks, and guess where they went every other day? To visit the youth in the prison!!! They did not even know about our visits. They spent time with the boys and encouraged them, prayed with them, and mentored them. They reported back to me that Prison Fellowship is continuing to follow up with the boys when they go back home to help them get a new start. Better yet, this is the second group to do this!
Does God answer prayer?
You bet He does!
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